Tuesday, September 23, 2008

{ IT-KELANTAN } Join tholibilmi on Yahoo! Messenger!

You have been invited to join Yahoo! Messenger.
Free worldwide PC-to-PC calls*
tholibilmi wants to talk with you using Yahoo! Messenger:
Hi! Come join me on Yahoo! Messenger so we can chat, share files, watch videos and more.
Accept the Invitation

Free worldwide PC-to-PC calls.* All you need are speakers and a microphone (or a headset). If no one's there, leave a voicemail!
IM Windows Live™ Messenger friends too. Add your Windows Live friends to your Yahoo! contact list. See when they're online and IM them anytime.
Stealth settings keep you in control. Now you can get in touch on your time, by controlling who sees when you're online.

So what are you waiting for? It's free. Get Yahoo! Messenger and start connecting how you want, when you want.

If the link above doesn't work, please go to:

* * Emergency 911 calling services not available on Yahoo! Messenger. Please inform others who use your
Yahoo! Messenger they must dial 911 through traditional phone lines or cell carriers.
By using Yahoo! Messenger you agree to not use PC-to-PC calling in countries where prohibited.
The above features apply to the Windows version of Yahoo! Messenger.

Egroup ini dikendalikan oleh http://pusatsumber.kokpasir.com  .
Tidak dibenarkan mengiklan.
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